Thursday, June 26, 2014

Unit 2 Constant velocity particle Model

Given a small electric car we were asked what we observed about the car.  We were then asked what we could measure, making sure to differentiate things that are measured and things that are calculated.  This basically brought us down to the idea that we can measure position and time.  Some of this is kind of leading but also you could put things off till later.  “That is a great idea we are actually going to look at that at a later time.

Paradigm lab:
Ask the students to answer the research question “What is the relationship between position and time?”    Our group decided to use a lap timer and measure the time given the specific distance so the distance was the independent variable.  I think that going around and making sure that at least some groups have position vs. time and some with time vs. position can be useful during the board discussion.

This is discussed at a board meeting trying to bring out the meaning of the slope, the reciprocal of the slope (the slope of our graph in this case).  Also focusing in on the “for every statement”.

Then different groups are given different tasks with a car that has a different speed,  going the opposite direction.   Same direction catching up, same direction pulling away, opposite direction starting at zero.  These are also plotted and discussed.  Hopefully the students will focus in on the negative aspect  and introduce the term of velocity (following the adage concept before term).

The strobe picture idea leads into the motion map.  Having students work through some sample motion map questions on the white boards can be helpful.

Go over the multiple representations to cap it off so they can see the whole picture.

Picture of multiple representations.

The practicum was very entertaining and fun.  I think it will go over well in class.

I really feel that this will be a change for the better.  I'm a little apprehensive about getting it right.  I really want my students in the first year that I do this to reap some definite benefits.  As I think about it if I get through 1 unit done well they will probably have learned more than they would have using the equations.

1 comment:

  1. In both of your blog entries so far you've eluded to the fact that this is scary...IT IS SCARY! Making any kind of large change to your teaching practice - especially one as radical as this - is terrifying. However, this is so much more in line with how kids learn that there will only be a little resistance (if any) from the students.

    Will they reap benefits? You tell me? Do you feel like you've learned a lot from what we've done so far? To be honest, kids learn very little, if anything, from the equation method. They just don't. :( They often become proficient solving algebraic story problems but little else. With the Modeling Method they will learn some real physics.

    Will they all be proficient? NO! But what are we trying to so anyway?

    In my opinion we are trying to create good thinkers and learners. This will go a long way to doing that.

    And with all of your life experiences, this change will be a piece of cake :)
